Cheek Augmentation Surgery

Doctor Tony Beauty Expert

Cheek augmentation surgery with permanent silicone is a minor surgery that takes about 30-40 minutes. The incision is made inside the mouth, near the upper gum line, using an inside-cut technique, so there are no visible external scars.

The principle of the surgery is that when silicone sheets designed for cheek augmentation are inserted, the silicone underneath the cheekbone supports and prevents the skin from forming deep grooves, immediately lifting the cheeks. Cheek augmentation surgery is becoming increasingly popular because it is minimally painful, swelling subsides quickly, and there is no need for recovery time; patients can resume their normal daily activities immediately after the procedure.

Advantages of Cheek Augmentation Surgery with Silicone

  • Permanent cheek augmentation without the need for frequent injections
  • Minimal pain, small incision, can return to work the next day
  • Immediate visible results, fuller cheeks immediately
  • Incision is hidden inside the mouth, no external scars
  • Safe to use silicone implants, grade implant can stay in the body for life

Cheek fat reduction surgery Many people with large cheeks and a wide face due to accumulation of fat in the cheeks often choose to have fat dissolved by injection (lipolysis). However, another popular method is cheek fat reduction surgery, which removes fat permanently.

Cheek fat, located between the muscles used for chewing, varies in amount from person to person. Cheek fat reduction surgery helps reduce cheek size, addressing the problem and boosting confidence.

Advantages of Cheek Fat Reduction Surgery

  • Resolves issues of chubby, puffy, or overly full cheeks permanently
  • Reduces cheek size

Results are clearly visible compared to exercise and diet control, which may not lead to significant changes, especially in people with a genetic predisposition or existing facial structure. Permanent fat removal surgery, as it removes fat from the cheek fat pad, not excess fat under the skin, which is less likely to recur or regenerate. No need for frequent repeat procedures, unlike liposuction or fat-dissolving injections, which often need to be repeated every 1-3 years. Small incisions, mostly less than 2 centimeters, inside the mouth, invisible, fast recovery. At Doctor Tony Medical Center, specialized plastic surgeons are highly skilled in facial structure and understand patients’ concerns well.

For inquiries or consultation, please contact:

Line: @doctortony (

Tel. 061-896-6645 / 061-978-2492 / 099-345-2466




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