Facial Treatment

Doctor Tony Beauty Expert

Q-Switch Laser

Q-Switch laser is well-known as a treatment for skin problems caused by melanin’s dysfunction such as uneven skin tone, melasma, freckles, dark spots and redness from acne. The laser can treat the skin in both epidermis and dermis without damaging the visible layer of the skin. It can also be used for erasing birthmarks and tattoos.

How does Q-Switch Laser work

The laser beamed into the skin will break down the targeted melanin, disintegrate it into shattered fragments and let the white blood cells absorb and eliminate them away as an excretion. Using the combination of both wavelengths might also be able to make your skin smoother and more radiant.

Advantages of Q-Switch Laser

  • Removing freckles
  • Removing melasma
  • Removing birthmarks and nevus of Ota
  • Removing scars
  • Removing dark spots and redness from acne
  • Removing body tattoos
  • Removing brow tattoos
  • Correcting lips pigmentation

Q&A Q-Switch Laser


Post-Treatment Instructions Q&A Q-Switch Laser

If you require any further information or want to make an appointment
Please contact +6684-432-9889 or +6687-999-6169

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