Lower Eyelid Fat Removal Surgery

Doctor Tony Beauty Expert

Lower Eyelid Fat Removal Surgery is a procedure to correct large fat bags under the eyes, caused by sagging skin and excess fat in the lower eyelid, making the eyes look tired and the face appear aged. The procedure involves removing the fat pads under the eyes and rearranging the lower eyelid fat to create a smooth and natural appearance. The surgery is then closed with an internal wound closure technique along the eyelash line, which is only 0.5 – 1 cm long, resulting in a small, inconspicuous scar and a shorter recovery time.

Under-eye bags can be divided into 2 types:

  • Pseudo Eye Bags: These occur under the lower eyelids due to various reasons such as poor body circulation, excessive crying, eye rubbing, working night shifts, regular alcohol consumption, etc. Adequate rest, sleep, and self-care, including cold compresses, can help normalize the skin under the eyes.
  • True Eye Bags: These are caused by hereditary factors or aging, where abnormal functioning of the internal body fluid regulation system leads to excessive accumulation of fluid under the eyes, causing the skin to bulge. This condition can be corrected through Lower Eyelid Fat Removal Surgery.

How is Lower Eyelid Fat Removal Surgery with wound closure technique performed and what are the benefits?

  • The incision is hidden along the lower eyelid margin, resulting in minimal swelling and bruising, and a short recovery time.
  • Small, inconspicuous scar that looks natural.
  • Care provided by specialized ophthalmologists, ensuring safety and confidence.

Who is a suitable candidate for Lower Eyelid Fat Removal Surgery?

  • Individuals with prominent lower eyelid fat pads that make the face appear aged.
  • Those with sagging skin under the eyes due to hereditary factors or aging.
  • Individuals with excess skin under the eyes, making the eyes appear deep-set.

Why choose double eyelid surgery with an ophthalmologist like Dr. Tony?

Before Surgery: Dr. Tony analyzes each patient’s specific problems to select the appropriate corrective measures, ensuring satisfactory results. During Surgery: Dr. Tony, being an expert in both eyelid and eye socket structures, can effectively manage any complications that may arise during surgery, ensuring careful monitoring and excellent results. After Surgery: In the event of any problems, Dr. Tony can accurately and quickly diagnose postoperative abnormalities and provide appropriate advice, ensuring patient confidence in safety.

How to take care of yourself after double eyelid surgery?

  • Apply cold compresses for the first 3 days after surgery, then switch to warm compresses.
  • Avoid wearing contact lenses for 2-3 weeks after surgery.
  • Avoid rubbing or touching the incision until it has fully healed.
  • Keep the incision clean and dry, avoiding water contact for the first week. Clean the incision once a day.
  • Avoid using makeup near the incision area.




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