Doctor Tony Beauty Expert

PICO PLUS LASER is a program designed to manage pigment spots and rejuvenate skin quality, especially without causing damage to the surrounding skin.

The laser energy used is highly precise, firing at a rate of 1 per millionth of a second, which allows for more detailed breakdown of pigment spots compared to conventional lasers. It helps destroy unwanted pigment spots, treat hyperpigmentation, stimulate collagen and elastin production, shed old skin cells, regenerate new skin cells, fill in acne scars, tighten pores, reduce wrinkles, fine lines, fade scars, and improve skin texture without leaving scars.

Energy values of the Pico Plus Laser program are divided into:

  • Pulse Duration
  • Peak Power
  • Wavelength The Pulse Duration value of the Pico Plus Laser is set at 450 ps (Pulse Duration), with lower values being better.

Higher Peak Power values are better, and the Pico Plus has a Peak Power value of 1.8 GW. The program also offers a range of wavelengths, including 1064, 532, 595, and 660 nm.

Advantages of the Pico Plus Laser program:

  • The Pico Plus laser can adjust energy levels to cover all skin issues.
  • It treats pigment spot issues (fades melasma, freckles, dark spots).
  • Stimulates collagen and elastin production.
  • Tightens pores, fills in acne scars.
  • Reduces wrinkles, improves skin texture.
  • Offers multiple energy level adjustments to address skin concerns.


Why Doctor Tony Clinic Chooses Pico Plus Laser: PICOPLUS is a genuine Picosecond Laser, one of the 5 brands that meet and are certified by the United States Food and Drug Administration (USFDA), produced by Lutronics, a leading global laser manufacturer. It is a Picosecond Laser developed from the first generation, which allows for shorter energy release times (450 ps) and the highest peak power release of up to 1.8 GW. Additionally, it can emit 4 different wavelengths, including 532, 595, 660, and 1064 nm, addressing all pigment issues. The Micro lens array of PICOPLUS used for laser treatment to improve uneven skin texture can adjust the depth of collagen stimulation up to 3 levels. PICOPLUS has the most research in Asians and is an effective skin care tool with good treatment outcomes. Does the Pico Plus Laser program hurt? In the mode for treating melasma, fading dark spots, it feels light on the skin. It is lighter and less painful compared to general laser treatment. For the mode to treat acne scars, large pores, it requires higher energy levels for treatment. Therefore, topical anesthesia is applied approximately 30-45 minutes before laser treatment to ensure that patients do not feel pain or feel minimal pain during laser treatment.

How long does the skin stay red after the Pico Plus Laser treatment? It depends on the problem being addressed. After treatment, there may be a temporary pinkish appearance of the skin that will disappear on its own within 6-24 hours. The face will not be red or bruised after treatment, and makeup can be applied immediately. To treat wide pores, acne scars, and uneven skin, the skin may swell and turn red after treatment, with the possibility of bruising or bleeding under the skin. The redness and swelling will gradually decrease, and the flakes will fall off on their own within 3-7 days.

Does the skin thin after the Pico Plus Laser treatment? Picosecond Laser specifically targets pigment spots without damaging surrounding tissues. Laser treatment helps stimulate collagen and elastin production, resulting in thicker skin. Our skin naturally regenerates new skin cells and sheds old skin cells every 28 days, so it does not result in thinner skin.

Post-Pico Plus Laser Treatment Care:

  • Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 every day, even if not going out in the sun. Use at least 2 fingers of sunscreen for the face.
  • Avoid direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks. When going out in the sun, use an umbrella or wear a wide-brimmed hat.
  • Avoid hot baths or saunas for at least 2 weeks.
  • Avoid facial massages, scrubs, and skin peeling treatments for at least 1 week after treatment.
  • Cleanse the skin gently. Wash the face gently approximately 4-5 days after treatment.
  • Avoid skincare products that contain skin whitening agents, skin exfoliants such as AHA, BHA, Vitamin A for 1 week after treatment.”



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